15 Ways to Save Money Today

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15 Ways to Save Money Today

Source: the balance BY MIRIAM CALDWELL  Updated June 25, 2019 ! Most people are looking for ways to cut back on their spending. Little savings can add up, especially if you do it consistently over time, and doing several things all at once may mean that you can save significantly each month. Cutting back on your bad financial habits can make a big


What Is a Fiduciary Financial Advisor?

Source: U.S. News & World Report Only fiduciary advisors are legally and ethically required to put your best interest before their own. By Coryanne Hicks, Staff WriterMarch 21, 2018, at 9:39 a.m. “A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care,” according to the Cornell Law Dictionary. (ISTOCKPHOTO) IN APRIL 2016, A NEW word entered many investors’


Social Security trust fund will be depleted in 17 years, according to trustees report

Source: https://to.pbs.org/2IMryVd The annual trustee reports on Social Security and Medicare were released earlier today and showed little change from last year. With both programs facing longer-term deficits, these annual report cards have become a doomsday clock for senior benefits. The top line of today’s reports is that the estimated insolvency date of Social Security’s


The Trouble With ‘Banking on Yourself’

Source: The Street By: Fisher Investments Jun 16, 2017 9:04 AM EDT Costly insurance programs dressed up as investment strategies are unlikely to prove beneficial to your financial health. What if we told you there was an investment that… Grows 100% tax deferred Provides 100% tax free income Is NOT reportable to the IRS Pays an average of 5% Allows investors


What Is an Index Fund?

Source: The Motley Fool An index fund can give you exposure to many stocks in a single investment, and without the high fees of actively-managed funds. An index fund is a mutual fund or ETF that is designed to track a specific index of stocks, bonds, or another type of investment. For example, an S&P